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Marketing Trend in Pharmaceutical Industry

Evolution of Marketing Concepts in consumer industries
Key Invention
Marketing Trend in Pharmaceutical industry
1936 ~1950

Production Concept &

Product concept

1936 Vitamine synthesis by Robert Williams Product Concept
1941 Vit.B2 synthesis by Max Tishler
1948 Industrial Penicillin production by Andrew Moyer
1949 Synthesis cortisone by Lewis Hastings Sarett
1951~1960 Sales Concept 1954 Oral Contraceptive-Enovid by Frank Colton Sales Concept
1955 Tetracycline by Lloyd Conover
1957 Nystatin by Rachel Fuller Brown
1959 Anti-leukemia drug by Gertrude Belle Elion
1959 Self-testing for diabetes by Helen Free
1961~1970 Marketing Concept & Mass Marketing 1968 Internet by Douglas Engelbart Marketing concept (Broad spectrum/indication)
1971~1984 Positioning & Mass marketing 1971 Computerized Tomography Scanner by Robert Ledley

Positioning (selected indication)

Corporate image marketing

1972 Vaccine against viral hepatitis by Irving Millman
1977 Cimetidine by Graham John Durant
1979 PersonalComputer - Apple II by Steve Wozniak
1980 Genetic engineering by Stanley Cohen
1980 Recombinant DNA by Hubert Boyer
1985 Direct Marketing (Colgate) 1987 DNA replication by Kary Mullis Event Marketing
1989 Individualized Marketing     Healthcare policy lobbying
1990~ User Database Marketing (Quaker Oats, Palmolive & General Motor)     Medical Marketing
1996~ Viral Marketing (Hotmail.com)    

Merger & Acquisition,

Disease Management Marketing

1999~ e-Commerce    

DTC (Direct-to-consumer) marketing,Patient Group promotion

Biogenetic Accelerated Launching

2001~ e-Business    


Customer Partnership Marketing

2002~ Knowledge Management     e-CRM marketing

Production Concept-

Kotler : "Concumers will favor those products that are widely available and low in cost. Managers of production-oriented organizations concentrate on achieving high production efficiency and wide distribution. "


Product Concept-

Kotler: "Consumers will favor those products that offer the mostquality, performance, or innovative features. Managers in product-oriented organizations focus their energy on making superior products and improving them over time."


Selling concept /Sales Concept-

Kotler:"Consumers, if let alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organization's products. The organization must therefore undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort."


Marketing Concept -

Kotler:"The key to achieving organizational goals consists of being more effective than competitors in integrating marketing activities toward determining and satisfying the needs and wants of target markets."